Saturday, April 28, 2007

I May Look OCD...

The other night I was at a FAAN walk committee meeting and all of us mothers were talking about how we appear OCD to the world. I've joked on many occasions to my family and friends that everywhere I go people must think this. After all I don't let my son touch the floors of any place but "safe" places such as home and some friends' homes. I wash his hands with wet wipes if he touches anything on the floor. If his bottle falls on the ground I wipe it too with wet wipes. The truth is I wipe everything with wet wipes. They have become my best friend. Everywhere I go I have at least one package of wet wipes. You want to touch my son, use a wet wipe. He dropped one of his toys, I use a wet wipe. The reality is that when you have a child with Food Allergies you do become a little OCD. You have to, or else you risk the chance of your child having a reaction. I may look OCD...I probably am by now.

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