Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Feeling I Can't Protect My Son

When he was first diagnosed I thought it would be easy. I believed that all we had to do was keep the food that he was allergic to away and viola things would be great. Nevertheless, he still had reactions and it wasn't just because of what he ate but because of what he played with, where he played. I started to feel like everything could send my son into anaphylactic reactions and many times there was a lot of things. I started feeling like I couldn't protect my own son! I felt really helpless about it especially because I found that my husband didn't feel the same way. After speaking to him a number of times about I began to realize how he sees it. We are protecting our son. He might still have reactions but we are finding more and more ways to create a safe and happy environment for him.
I'm beginning to accept that I can't protect him from everything but there is a lot that I can do that will minimize his reactions.

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