Tuesday, May 15, 2007

National Food Allergy Week

Yesterday kicked off the National Food Allergy Week. There are a number of different activities taking place through local and national groups. FAAN is working on their legislation to help people with food allergies. Everyone should check out their website at www.foodallergy.org. In addition, I recommend checking out POFAK at www.kidswithfoodallergies.org. These are both great resources for families living with food allergies.
Help people understand what it means living with food allergies, one of the most effective ways of raising awareness is speaking with people you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so needy when I first heard of the Parents of food allergic kids POFAK . It never occured to me I'd find a new staple in life. I'd have to give up wheat, eggs and milk for my 14month old but a new staple POFAK would take the other staples place. A-wesome resource B- eautiful people C-aring atmoshere D- etails to many things I never dreampt. Visit you won't E-ver be disappointed!!! Best $25 I've spent all year.

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